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Toilet Training

At Playmates we are here to help you every step of the way.
If your child/ren are still in nappies they will need nappies and wipes in a named bag, all changing of children is recorded and all children are changed during the morning and afternoon as a matter of routine and children that are wet or soiled are changed immediately throughout the day.
When your child is ready to begin toilet training we are here to support your child and you, every step of the way, at this time using the toilet is celebrated with praise, hand clapping and stickers.
If your child has begun to use the potty or toilet at home please let us know so we can continue this progress within the setting as well.
We unfortunately cannot use potties but both our toilets have child seats and steps.
During this time we ask you to provide plenty of changes of underwear and clothes in case of 'accidents'
Wet and soiled clothes will be returned to you in bags, for hygiene reasons.
It is very common for children to manage to master the need for a 'wee' but often they struggle when it comes to having a 'poo'. we have for many years used the leaflet 'Ollie helps Poo go home to Poo Land
', this is a short story about a little boy that is struggling to use the toilet. We have found this age appropriate story has been a great help to many parents.
We have attached this story in the PDF document below

Ollie Helps Poo Go Home to Poo Land

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