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Contact Details

It is extremely important that we are able to contact you at ALL times whislt your child is in the setting.

Therefore please ensure that we always have you and your emergency contacts correct phone numbers, to enable us to make contact in an emergency or in the event your child has fallen ill during our care.

If you are unsure whether we have your current details please check with a member of staff, who will be more than happy to check and update where necessary.

Please also inform us of any change of address as soon as possible for both registration and Free Entitlement purposes.


Thank you


Checking Emails 
Please always make sure you keep an eye on your emails as we often use emails to share important information
Thank you 

Personal Belongings

Please could we remind you to ensure that ALL items that your child brings into pre-school with them, are CLEARLY named.

This will help prevent items of clothing going home with the wrong child and causing upset to your child and yourselves. 

Naming lunch boxes, snack boxes and water bottles is very important to staff in ensuring that lunch boxes are given to the correct child when we have children with identical lunch boxes, this as you can imagine can be problematic. This very importantly also ensures that children with allergies and intolerances are kept safe.

Thank You

Toys from Home

We fully understand how sometimes it is very important to a child to bring a toy with them to pre-school, we do try an encourage them to show the toy to their friends and staff and then place it in their bag or tray for safe keeping. We would appreciate your support in explaining this to your child to avoid any upset should the toy get broken. Thank you.
The exception to this would be a toy or an item which might act as a comforter/transitional object that your child needs to avoid them becoming upset, in this situation we welcome this to support your child's happiness.

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